James thumbscrw
  • Joined on 2023-05-21
thumbscrw synced new reference refs/tags/tandoor-recipes-0.1.1 to thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to refs/tags/tandoor-recipes-0.1.2 at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
thumbscrw synced new reference refs/tags/tandoor-recipes-0.1.2 to thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to gh-pages at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
a14d5ea062 Update index.yaml
ba32739baf Update index.yaml
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thumbscrw synced commits to master at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
ae11cb1378 fix: missing postgres password when using existing secret in tandoor-recipes (#53)
a8593ca31e fix: bump tandoor-recipes chart version to force re-release (#52)
b0aacfda3d fix: add Bitnami repo to helm before releasing charts (#51)
80ba067911 feat: Tandoor recipes chart (#50)
Compare 4 commits »
thumbscrw synced commits to refs/pull/50/head at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
98d026b047 generate helm docs
89432db555 increase recipes key secret length to 64
3dc9e88dde update app version to latest
e8b990284a add tandoor-recipes to Chart Status in README
Compare 4 commits »
thumbscrw synced commits to refs/tags/tandoor-recipes-0.1.1 at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:08 +00:00
thumbscrw synced and deleted reference refs/tags/tandoor-recipes at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/50/merge at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-29 21:44:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to tandoor-recipes at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-24 02:54:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced new reference tandoor-recipes to thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-24 02:54:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to gh-pages at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-20 17:14:07 +00:00
1c2942adb4 Update index.yaml
thumbscrw synced commits to master at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-20 17:14:07 +00:00
03ffb38197 chore: bump pgadmin to 8.2 (#49)
3c9e112232 chore: bump chart-releaser action to 1.6.0 (#48)
Compare 2 commits »
thumbscrw synced commits to refs/tags/pgadmin-2.2.0 at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-20 17:14:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced new reference refs/tags/pgadmin-2.2.0 to thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-20 17:14:07 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to gh-pages at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-05 01:44:45 +00:00
a225f590de Update index.yaml
thumbscrw synced commits to master at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-05 01:44:45 +00:00
3667ed5e07 chore: bump freshrss to 1.23.1 (#47)
thumbscrw synced commits to refs/tags/freshrss-1.3.1 at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-05 01:44:45 +00:00
thumbscrw synced new reference refs/tags/freshrss-1.3.1 to thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2024-01-05 01:44:45 +00:00
thumbscrw synced commits to gh-pages at thumbscrw/k8s-charts from mirror 2023-12-24 20:18:27 +00:00
fbe4590b1f Update index.yaml
f7811ff861 Update index.yaml
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