2024-09-23 18:20:57 +00:00
Chart.yaml chore: bump freshrss to 1.24.2 (#91) 2024-09-23 18:20:57 +00:00
README.md chore: bump freshrss to 1.24.2 (#91) 2024-09-23 18:20:57 +00:00


Version: 1.4.2 Type: application AppVersion: 1.24.2

A Helm chart for FreshRSS

Homepage: https://freshrss.org/

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
freshrss.autoInstall.apiEnabled bool false Enable FreshRSS API
freshrss.autoInstall.baseUrl string "freshrss.local" URL for FreshRSS instance
freshrss.autoInstall.db.host string "" Database hostname
freshrss.autoInstall.db.name string "freshrss" Database name
freshrss.autoInstall.db.password string "freshrss" Database password
freshrss.autoInstall.db.type string "sqlite" Database type - pgsql, mysql or sqlite
freshrss.autoInstall.db.user string "freshrss" Database user
freshrss.autoInstall.defaultUser.email string "admin@example.com" Email for the default user
freshrss.autoInstall.defaultUser.password string "admin" Password for the default user
freshrss.autoInstall.defaultUser.user string "admin" Username for the default user
freshrss.autoInstall.enabled bool false Enable automatic install - configurable through the web application if disabled
freshrss.autoInstall.language string "en" Language short code
freshrss.cron.cronMin string "13,43" Minute(s) past the hour to run cron
freshrss.cron.enabled bool false Enable Cron to periodically refresh feeds
freshrss.freshEnv string "production" Enables additional development information if set to development (increases the level of logging and ensures that errors are displayed)
freshrss.timezone string "UTC" PHP Timezone - see https://www.php.net/timezones
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "freshrss/freshrss"
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0].host string "freshrss.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific"
ingress.tls list []
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"
persistence.annotations object {}
persistence.enabled bool false
persistence.existingClaim string ""
persistence.size string "10Gi"
persistence.storageClass string ""
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
securityContext object {}
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.name string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
strategy.type string "Recreate"
tolerations list []